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Universität Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt
I am a Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at Bielefeld University in the field of Comparative Educational Research, Theory and History of Inclusive Pedagogy. My research focuses on theory and history of inclusion and inclusive schooling, inclusive teaching materials, historical educational research, and Comparative Educational research.

Universität Bielefeld

Marlene Pieper

Marlene Pieper

I am a research assistant at the faculty of educational science at Bielefeld University working in the field of inclusion from international comparative perspectives. Herein, I focus on inclusivity in the context of Open Education and Open Educational Resources as well as critical digitality research. This is also the focus of my PhD research.

University of Ostrava

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Sikorová

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Sikorová

I am a Professor at the University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic, specializing in educational research with a focus on teaching resources and textbooks. My work primarily investigates the use of textbooks and digital resources in lower secondary school. My research interests encompass media studies approaches to textbook research, criteria for inclusive educational materials in digital contexts, and the application of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) in educational research.

Dalarna University

Prof. Anette Bagger

Prof. Anette Bagger

I have a background as a primary school teacher in mathematics, special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) and as a vision advisor at the National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (SPSM). I have worked in teacher education, mainly with elements related to assessment, special education and mathematics education, and I also lecture on these areas.

University of Luxembourg

Prof. Dr. habil. Katja Natalie Andersen

Prof. Dr. habil. Katja Natalie Andersen

My scientific expertise at the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) at the University of Luxembourg lies in the field of primary science education. In particular, my research focuses on primary science learning and teaching, inquiry-based science education, STEM competencies, and science learning in multilingual contexts.

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