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Serlo sees itself as a free learning platform, which is particularly aimed at learners and promises independent learning at one's own pace.


Serlo sees itself as a free learning platform, which is particularly aimed at learners and promises independent learning at one's own pace. This autonomy and adaptability of the "independent and self-responsible" learning process to learning levels and focal points of interest is emphasised several times. The proximity to the assumptions of constructivism is emphasised. The platform is supported by Serlo Education e.V. Explicit references to the quality criteria of Serlo's content can be found in an archived blog post from 2016, which reports on the Mathematics Quality Initiative and "17 Criteria for Excellent Content". In the information section on reviewing content, comprehensibility, logical structure, appealing design and relevance to the learners' lives are listed as criteria for content quality.

Thematic scope

Learning platform

all school subjects and untypical subjects (not all completed yet)

Volunteer Community

Target groups


Access, language, country of origin  

German, Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Hindi, Polish, Japanese, Tamil

Collected by

Serlo Education e. V.

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