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The digiLLM project is all about inclusive digital learning materials. What makes a material inclusive? How can we evaluate in- clusivity in learning materials? How can we help learners access materials? In the project we explore the concept of “Living Le- arning Materials”. It stands for the active engagement with our learning resources. When we reflect on the materials we use for teaching and learning, we can provide more inclusive learning experiences.

μ 0

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Die Teilnehmenden simulieren die Verhandlungen des Parlaments der Europäischen Union über eine neue EU-Verordnung…

Latest written Review

Občanská výchova 8 - Rodinná…

Mgr. Dagmar Janošková, Mgr. Monika Ondráčková, PhDr. Dagmar Čábalová, Ph.D., Mgr. Jitka Šebková, Mgr. Hana Marková

#Czech #English #Občanská výchova #politics #Politics #variuos ages

μ 3

1 Ratings 1 Written Reviews

μ 50 % rate as inclusive
μ 50 % rate as OER

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