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The digiLLM project is all about inclusive digital learning materials. What makes a material inclusive? How can we evaluate inclusivity in learning materials? How can we help learners access materials? In the project we explore the concept of “Living Learning Materials”. It stands for the active engagement with our learning resources. When we reflect on the materials we use for teaching and learning, we can provide more inclusive learning experiences.
Found 25 with tags(s): Mathematics x Clear Filters
Siemens Stiftung
#Age 10 #Age 6 #Age 7 #Age 8 #Age 9 #datahandlingandprobability #German #Interaktives Tafelbild (GS): Wahrscheinlichkeiten #Mathematics
Das Interaktive Tafelbild zu Wahrscheinlichkeiten dient der Erarbeitung des Themenkomplexes im Mathematikunterricht…
#Age 11 #Age 12 #Axis symmetry #Axis symmetry #Geometrie #Geometry #German #Mathematics
Ein Lernpfad, der mit aufeinander aufbauenden Übungen und Aufgaben in die Achsensymmetrie einführt.
#Age 5 #Age 6 #Age 7 #Age 8 #Finnish #Game #Mathematics #Numbersense #Routelearning #Swedish #Tal i farten
Tal i farten is a game that trains a child's sense of numbers
#Age 6 #English #Finnish #Mathematics #Number Sense and Numeration #Swedish
Material för bedömning av lärandet
Mattemacken - Avsnittet är inte tillgängligt längre. Senast tillgänglig 24 sep 2021
##language free #Age 3 #Age 4 #Age 5 #Age 6 #Age 7 #Age 8 #Age 9 #English #inclusive learning #math #math learning #Mathematics #STEM
Magrid is an Early Math Learning Solution for Preschool, Early Childhood and Special Needs Learning
#Geometry #German #Mathematics #Mathematik im Weltraum Pack 1 #Measurement #Proportions #variuos ages
Eine interaktive Website.
Do you have a material that you would like our community to recommend? No matter whether you created it yourself, you work with it or it is foreign to you - send us a link to the material and our community will rate it according to our creteria catalog. In our terms for submission you will find out which requirements the material you submit should meet.