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The digiLLM project is all about inclusive digital learning materials. What makes a material inclusive? How can we evaluate inclusivity in learning materials? How can we help learners access materials? In the project we explore the concept of “Living Learning Materials”. It stands for the active engagement with our learning resources. When we reflect on the materials we use for teaching and learning, we can provide more inclusive learning experiences.
Found 10 with tags(s): Language x Clear Filters
Learning exercises, video, pictures, information, concepts
#Age 14 #comment #digital collage #discuss #German #German #Language #lyrics #online #Rap #Raptexte online kommentieren und diskutieren #socialreading #writing own texts
Engage with Rap lyrics, discuss and comment on their meaning
The programme for innovative teaching and training provides you with practical examples that give innovative…
With iTeo stories in any target language can be produced while relying on the native language for discussing…
Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg
#Age 12 #Age 13 #Age 14 #Age 15 #French #French #German #Language #Les nombres cardinaux #Les nombres cardinaux #Vocabulary Development
Die französischen Grundzahlen von 0-100 lernen sowie diese auch anwenden
Nein, das Material erklärt nicht besonders transparent, welche Inhalte ausgewählt wurden. Es wird…
Introduction to Spanish Verb Tenses
Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg
#Age 12 #Age 13 #Age 14 #Englisch #English #English #grammar #Grammatik #Ifclauses #Language
Worksheets about Ifclauses
Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg
#Age 12 #Age 13 #Age 14 #English #English #grammar #Language #presentperfect #Simple past vs Present perfect #Simplepast #simplepast vs. presentperfect
Worksheets about the correct use of simple past and present perfect
Do you have a material that you would like our community to recommend? No matter whether you created it yourself, you work with it or it is foreign to you - send us a link to the material and our community will rate it according to our creteria catalog. In our terms for submission you will find out which requirements the material you submit should meet.