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digiLLM is a Cooperation Partnership between the Universities Bielefeld (Germany), Ostrava (Czech Republic), Dalarna (Sweden) and Luxembourg – co-funded by the Erasmus+ funding line of the European Union. Our goal is to deepen our partnership and collectively work on the topic of inclusive digital learning materials and OER – this way, different expertises will be merged in order to reflect on inclusive digital learning materials and Open Educational Resources.

 WP 1: Project management

WP 1: Project management

Our goal is to deepen our partnership and collectively work on the topic of inclusive digital learning materials and OER - this way, different expertises will be merged in order to reflect on inclusive Open Educational Resources. Now - working on sustainable results within an international setting needs good and thorough planning.

That is why the project management is a fix part of the work packages guiding our work. That entails a lot of communication, online meetings, keeping an eye on the project roadmap and coordinating administrative work. That is how we create a framework for participatory research - which you can be a part of along the way. So stay tuned in order to collectively reflect on inclusive digitality and Open Educational Resources.

WP 2: Mapping the Landscape of Inclusive digital learning materials

WP 2: Mapping the Landscape of Inclusive digital learning materials

The first step is to really understand what the landscape of Open Educational Resources looks like in Czech Republic, Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany.

For this, we collect and analyse OER repositories and academic literature on the topic. Both sources tell us a lot about what the handling of OER in the country looks like. We call this first overview the "mapping of OER" - just like a geographer trying to learn the topography of a landscape, we are trying to grasp what OER is all about in the partner countries. That is the more research based part of the project. Here, we also interview teachers, learners, OER providers and researches about the topic. This way, lots of perspectives on all things OER can be collected.

We collected the research results in the section about Living Learning Materials. Have a look!

WP 3: Developing the Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials –                                         FRoLLM

WP 3: Developing the Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials – FRoLLM

digiLLM is all about inclusion-sensitive digital teaching material, particularly OER. Mapping OER helps us understand the topic more in depth. But what do we *do* with that knowledge we gather in workpackage 2?

Workpackage 3 is all about creating a tool for reflecting on inclusion-sensitive OER. It will be a collection of questions you can use to evaluate learning material and OER with. It helps to estimate whether a material is inclusion-sensitive - or not. There already is a criteria catalogue from the Inclusive Teaching Material project ( that will help you understand what a criteria catalogue looks like and how you can use it. The new digiLLM Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials (FRoLLM) will be published on our digital portal as a living document - so nothing is set in stone: with this, we respect the fluidity of Open Education.

After creating the new catalogue particularly for OER (based on everything we learn in workpackage 2!), we will compile training modules introducing the criteria catalogue to teachers and learners. This way, we share the project's results with the broad public and bring it into schools - in all four partner countries!

 WP 4: interactive portal & rating function

WP 4: interactive portal & rating function

Work Package 4 will be the heart of the digiLLM project: the **rating function** of the digital portal we are setting up. The overall idea is to invite teachers, educators and learners (in short: YOU!).

To evaluate digital learning materials and assess whether you consider learning materials inclusion-sensitive or not. The foundation for this is the evaluative tool FRoLLM we are currently working on. Our aim is to invite you to be a part of the discourse around inclusion-sensitive learning materials. Asking for teachers’ and learners’ perspectives in the interviews alone (see workpackage 2!) is not enough – we want to learn about your opinions throughout the entire duration of the project and beyond! The rating function of the digiLLM-portal is designed to establish a place where we can continuously and steadily discuss inclusion-sensitivity in learning materials and share our points of view. Ratings can be given by a simple “star rating” (0-5) or a more extended commentary. In about a year, the rating function should already be online – good things take time. We will keep you posted and share the process along the way.

WP 5: Journal

WP 5: Journal

On this website, we introduce you to all the things we are planning to do for (and with!) you as teachers and learners. Mainly, it is all about creating a space to jointly and collaboratively discuss the quality and inclusiveness of learning and teaching material. Why?

Because learning materials can contribute to creating more (or less...) inclusive learning environments. Therefore, the everday materials we are working with need to be critically assessed in the daily teaching and learning practice. But **also** in academia! There is more research needed on quality, potentials and limitations of learning materials and OER specifically. For this, we are in the process of founding a brand new academic journal – digital, international and peer reviewed.

Our working title: DILeMa – which stands for "Digital Inclusion-Sensitive Learning Materials". This will be the place for so-called metareviews of YOUR reviews you created on the rating function of the digiLLM-portal (see the information on workpackage 4 for more information). Here, academics and researchers will take into consideration what your perspectives are and analyse it in a wider context. Articles based on your reviews will then be published in the journal. This way, your reviews and experiences will not only be adding to the digital discourse on the quality of learning materials – it will also be guided back into academic research (researchers, experiences or emerging: keep your eyes peeled for what's to come!). Herein, digiLLM goes full circle. It is not mainly about carrying academic expertise into the practice – quite the contrast: we aim to center perspectives and expertise of teachers and learners at all times.

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