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Müller, F. J. (2016). Wie frei verfügbare Bildungsmaterialien im Umgang mit Heterogenität helfen können. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, Jg. 22, 4 / 2016, 38-44.
The role that OER plays in inclusion is shown. The necessary requirements are described. Also possible difficulties, as well as ways to avoid them are found. Likewise, the potentials that arise from the use of OER, especially in the field of inclusion, are found.
Müller connects the definition and presentation of the core concerns of OER with the increased need for differentiation in school education.
This is the basis of his argument that OER can help address heterogeneity in the classroom.
In doing so, Müller takes up the discussion about inclusive OER and makes some handy suggestions for implementing this goal. As such, this accessible text is a suitable starting point in addressing inclusion in the context of OER.
Bielefeld University, DE