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OER in Germany under international review

Otto, D. (2020). Grosse Erwartungen: Die Rolle von Einstellungen bei der Nutzung und Verbreitung von Open Educational Resources. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (Occasional Papers), 21–43.


The role of OER in Germany is put into the international comparison and the deficits occurring here are described.

The article addresses the discrepancy between normative demands for OER and the only selective anchoring and use of these in German schools. In the course of this, a good 200 participants were surveyed in order to capture a systematic and theoretically grounded approach to the little-studied attitudes of teachers towards OER. What emerged was that teachers have positive attitudes toward OER and, in particular, agree with underlying values of OER. The article represents a valuable insight into how attitudes and barriers among teachers can be explored. This is of particular importance for the German context, which is considered a laggard in the context of OER.

Collected by

Bielefeld University, DE

Bielefeld University, DE

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