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Asociace učitelů občanské výchovy a společenských věd (Civics and social science teachers’ association) Website, depository of DLM for civics and social science; self-supported by teachers, supported with Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences
Website, depository of DLM for civics and social science; self-supported by teachers, supported with Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences
Sections: e.g. Law, Media education, Financial Literacy, Ethics, Religion, Culture
Special feature: some materials available in English, possibly in other languages
Thematic scope
Audiovisual materials, worksheets, presentations (ppt), text materials for teaching civics and social sciences
Target groups
primary, lower and upper secondary teachers and students
Asociace u?itel? ob?ansk? v?chovy a spole?ensk?ch v?d (Civics and social science teachers? association)