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''MaGrid'' is a research-based application for promoting early mathematical literacy. The application can either be used in the school context, but it is also possible to use it independently of the school context at home.


''MaGrid'' is a research-based application for promoting early mathematical literacy. The application can either be used in the school context, but it is also possible to use it independently of the school context at home.

The advantage of MaGrid is that all verbal instructions are replaced by visual materials to intuitively convey mathematical concepts and ideas and reduce the cognitive load in the learning process. Therefore, Magrid is very beneficial in an inclusive context.

The explanations are available in English an Portuguese. The programme that the students work with does not contain any language, but consists of 100% visual learning.

For three to nine year old students including those with special education needs (neurodivergent), hearing difficulties, and second language learners.

Collected by

European Erasmus+ funding program

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