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Leitfaden zu Open Educational Resources in der Hochschulbildung

Leitfaden zu Open Educational Resources in der Hochschulbildung: Empfehlungen fur Politik, Hochschulen, Lehrende und Studierende (2015). Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission.


The guide discusses central questions about OER in higher education and makes suggestions for incorporating OER into higher education.It is intended to encourage policy-makers and institutions to invest in the systematic creation and use of OER and to establish OER in higher education in order to improve the quality of education. After an introduction, concrete recommendations for the various actors are presented. Finally, the appendix presents concrete competencies skills that are necessary for the use of OER in higher necessary for the use of OER in higher education and how OER can contribute to inclusive education.

Collected by

University of Ostrava, CZ


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