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Language, a platform for teachers to develop inculsion-related competencies

Kamin, A., Büker, P., Glawe, K., Herding, J., Menke, I. & Schaper, F. (2023). Inklusions- und digitalisierungsbezogene Kompetenzen im Lehramtsstudium erwerben – Konzeption, Erprobung und Evaluation der Lehr-/Lernumgebung Inklusion digital!, 228-246.


The joint project is presented. This is a platform that enables teachers to develop inclusion-related competencies. The concrete application is demonstrated in two application scenarios. Subsequently, feedback from these scenarios will be evaluated.

In particular, the entanglement of inclusion and digitization as central cross-cutting issues in teacher education is addressed and inclusive media education is identified as a field of professionalization to be developed. The article presents the concept of and examples of the use of teaching/learning materials, in order to finally work out quality criteria. Thus, the article makes an explicit reference to the nexus "inclusion and OER" and relates it to teacher education. Although this does not directly touch the area of schools, the DigiLLM project can benefit from the experiences with students' work on OER.

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Bielefeld University, DE

Bielefeld University, DE

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