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5 Ratings 1 Written Reviews

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Bilderkarten mit Übungsbeschreibungen und Variationen sowie Hilfestellung

Latest written Review

The first page of the material states the theoretical background of the exercises, the concept of…

40% rate as inclusive
40% rate as OER

Review by Bielefeld_Inclusion_across_borders




The first page of the material states the theoretical background of the exercises, the concept of the 
material and the target groups. Nevertheless, the material lacks comprehensive explanations 
regarding its set-up, choices, and design, which affects its transparency.
Regarding inclusion, the material does not provide detailed comments on its intentions or limitations 
in this area. There is no clear explanation of the authors' understanding of inclusion and how the 
exercises address diverse learners' needs. This lack of clarity can make it challenging for educators to 
understand how to adapt the material for inclusive teaching practices.
The material is logically structured and is comprehensible with a clear focus on the subject matter. The 
exercises are well-organized and follow a consistent order with clear instructions and informative
photos. However, the content does not reference valid sources to prevent misinformation. The 
material lacks citations or references to relevant research. These references could support its claims 
and ensure the information provided is accurate and reliable.
Finally, the material does not make explicit references to curricular requirements or main research 
results, which limits its applicability in educational settings. Including such references would enhance 
its credibility and usability for educators to integrate it into their curriculum. 

Learners' needs



The material effectively addresses the individual learners’ needs by offering various learning paths and 
tasks for the same subject matter in a differing complexity level. Each exercise can be modified to 
match the skill levels of the individual. For instance, the eleventh exercise is classified in different 
preparatory exercises, which are labeled from easy to difficult.
In terms of scaffolding, the material provides varying levels of support to suit the learners' difficulties. 
The assistance for some exercises is described in detail with illustrations or specific descriptions to
reduce the injury risk.
Clear instructions, visual aids and suggested modifications help learners gradually progress through 
exercises, making it easier for children with learning difficulties. The material incorporates different 
kinds of representation to cater to various learners' needs. The use of step-by-step instructions, 
illustrations, and practical tips ensures that the content is accessible to a wide range of learners, 
regardless of their preferred learning style.
Furthermore, the material shows potential adaptation to individual needs. Exercises can be partially 
modified to better suit individual requirements, enabling personalized learning experiences. For 
instance, beginners can learn to perform a forward roll (p. 2), whereas advanced gymnast can practice 
a front flip (p. 12). It ensures that beginners and advanced athletes can benefit from the material.

Learners’ environment(s)



In terms of learners' environment, the material is not highly adaptable to various learning scenarios 
and different physical surroundings.
It is primarily designed for the use in a gym setting, requiring specific equipment for many exercises. 
For example, a mat is necessary for the first exercise, a beam for the sixth exercise and a bar for the 
seventeenth exercise. Consequently, these requirements limit the ability to practice the exercises in 
diverse physical settings, such as at home or outdoors, and the flexibility to adapt to different locations 
and learning environments. This limitation can prevent learners who do not have access to a fully 
equipped gym, reducing the material's overall inclusivity and flexibility. Additionally, the material does 
not offer substantial guidance on modifying exercises for different environments.
Nevertheless, the material supports both group work and individual work. In a group setting, the 
exercises can be adapted to team activities that promote collaboration and peer learning. Otherwise, 
individuals can follow the same routines independently, adjusting the exercises to fit their personal 
fitness levels and goals. This flexibility ensures that learners can benefit from the material regardless 
of their preferred learning mode.
Overall, the material is effective for both group and individual work, but is not adaptable to various 
learning scenarios and different physical surroundings.

Learning Feedback for Learners



The material does not imply different kinds or formats of feedback, which limits its ability to support
learners reflecting on their learning process.
While the exercises are well-detailed and illustrated, there is no structure to provide both qualitative 
and quantitative feedback. By including tools such as self-assessment checklists, progress tracking 
charts or peer-feedback opportunities learners could measure their performance and progress. It could 
give them immediate feedback and encourage broader reflection.
Moreover, the material does not help children reflect on their learning process independently. Adding 
reflective prompts or questions at the end of each exercise could help learners think about what they 
achieved and where they need to improve. For example, asking children to note what they found 
challenging or how they felt during the exercise can encourage self-reflection. Additionally, using 
digital feedback options like interactive apps where children can log activities and get automated 
feedback would further support independent reflection and continuous learning.
Including diverse feedback methods and fostering self-assessment could significantly improve the 
material's educational value. It would support learners in developing their athletic skills and selfawareness. This would make the material more effective and beneficial for their overall learning 

Learners’ Reflections on Learning



The material does not explicitly provide explanations or references to different learning strategies and 
techniques. The exercises primarily focus on physical training without guiding learners on how to use 
varied learning strategies. Adding sections that explain techniques like visualization, goal setting or 
systematic practice would help learners optimize their training and apply diverse strategies to enhance 
their learning.
Moreover, the material does not encourage learners to reflect on their learning process. There are no 
prompts or structured activities to guide learners in evaluating their progress, identifying strengths or 
recognizing areas for improvement. Including reflective prompts at the end of each exercise, such as 
noting accomplishments, challenges, and feelings about the exercise, could foster self-reflection. 
Additionally, tools like self-assessment checklists or progress journals could help learners track their 
development and reflect on their learning journey.
To truly support learners in reflecting on their learning process, the material should include explicit 
instructions and activities for regular self-assessment and adaptation of learning strategies. This 
approach would not only enhance physical training but also promote a deeper understanding of 
personal learning and growth.
Overall, while the exercises are clear and well-structured, the material would benefit from 
incorporating guidance on different learning strategies and reflective practices

Learners’ Agency



The material indirectly provides a range of opportunities for the learners to make their own decisions 
within their learning process. The exercises in the material are progressively more complex and 
successively structured. While learners are encouraged to follow the sequence of exercises, they can 
choose where to start and whether to skip certain activities. This allows learners some flexibility and 
autonomy in their learning progress, but it is only limited. The material does not explicitly address 
learners as capable of handling and controlling their own learning progress. It offers detailed 
instructions but rarely promotes independent decision-making or self-directed learning.
Additionally, the material does not empower learners to critically reflect on their experiences. To 
practice critical thinking, it could include reflective questions along each exercise. Such addition would 
encourage learners to reflect what they are learning, thereby enhancing their self-awareness and 
personal growth.
While the material does respect the diversity of learners by providing exercises adaptable to different 
skill levels, it could further enhance inclusivity. Addressing a wider range of needs, preferences and 
physical abilities would ensure that all learners feel valued and supported. By incorporating more 
elements that address individual preferences and abilities, the material could better support the 
diverse needs of all learners.
Overall, the material offers some opportunities for learnerns’ autonomy and diversity. However, it 
could be improved by explicitly supporting independent learning, critical reflection, and broader 

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