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70% rate as inclusive
50% rate as OER

Review by Bielefeld_Inclusion_across_borders




The website provides a page on their concept. There they explain the set-up. How its meant to be
used and what they aim to achieve.

There are no mentions of inclusion withing the website. They do not explain how they view the
limitations and possibilities of this material in regards to inclusion.

I found the material to be structured highly logically. The excercises built upon eachother and expand
the students understanding incrementally. The provided competency grid and the stamp-card make
the structure easily comprehensible to the student.

The Material is provided by the ”Materialnetzwerk Gemeinsnützige Genossenschaft” which is a
non-profit cooperation. They state on their website, that all materials are provided by competent
authors, experts and students. The materials will also always be checked individually on content andd
form. They garantuee a high quality.
I couldn’t find a source for this claim outside of their own statement.

Because of the German federalistic curricula the provided material can’t always be a perfect match on
the necessary requirements. But individual schools can adapt the Material to their exact needs.

Learners' needs



The Website aims to provide students with learning materials to help them learn at their
own pace. To achieve this the learning path is flexible, and the students can choose their own tempo.
They can also choose a different task, which matches their skill level more closely. Every course starts with a review of necessary skills. Students are asked to self-evaluate if they need
to repeat those skills or if they want to move on. They continually have access to the review and
explanations of the basics, if they need to come back to those later.
Throughout the Course the material offers different types of explanations, for the necessary skills.
A competency grid and a stamp card give the students an overview of what skills they already
achieved and which lessons will come next. When a new concept is introduced, the material provides several visualisations to help the students understand the concept. In this case, when the concept of a fraction is introduced, the material
visualizes a fraction at first as a section of a disc, or a cake, and afterwards visualizes it as a section of
a rectangle. Additionally, all Informational worksheets are using varying methods, such as pictures,
video and text.To adapt materials, schools need to acquire a license for their teacher. These do not have to be
personalized to an individual, but the school must choose how many teachers will need to use it

Learners’ environment(s)



Most of the material consists of standard worksheets, with practice calculations. These are mostly
designed to be used individually. Like all worksheets it’s possible to work on them with peers.
Because there is usually an abundance of practice examples, it is easy to find a good balance between
working together on one and trying it on your own for another.
Yes, most of the material can be used either in the browser or downloaded as a pdf. Some sections
require the use of an app. Students usually have access to the whole lesson, so they can choose their own tempo. Especially in asynchronous digital learning settings is this extremely valuable. The student can pick a time during their day to work on the tasks and will get feedback by various means along the way. Additionally, a student who has a lot of time available at the front end of a scheduled lesson can easily work ahead. Physical setting will also benefit from these materials. A teacher could print out all necessary pdf or print them as needed by the students. Depending on available resources, students could use tablets or maybe even personal phones for the tasks that require an app.
As stated before, the material is available as online documents and can be downloaded as a pdf and
subsequently printed. For some tasks students must use an app. These are usually repetitions of
earlier exercises and aren’t strictly necessary

Learning Feedback for Learners



There are some instances where the student will receive quantitive feedback on their progress
immediately. For example, in the app. Also, some of the work sheets will have the solutions along
with them. In some tasks students are required to formulate their own questions. To get feedback on
these a conversation with a teacher, either individually or in a group setting is required.

The competency grid and the stamp card the students recieve give a valuable overview to the
Students on the skills they are about to learn. Through self assesment and through quizzes they can
evaluate their own progress. Some of these the students can do on their own. Some Quizzes are
required by the material as a ”proof of success”, showing that a student has mastered a certain
comepetency. In these cases its the teachers tasks to evaluate th students skills.

Learners’ Reflections on Learning



For all Lessons the students receive stamp-cards. These list all the materials needed to develop a
specific competency. This provides an overview of the tasks, for the students. The card provides
partial goals towards that competency and states which materials are supposed to teach those partial
The materials will require the students to use different learning techniques. For example in the
material about rations, in one exercise students will be provided many example calculations which
they have to solve. In this case the learning technique is repition. In another the students watch a
video and are then tasked to explain the contents of that video.
For some tasks the way to use them is somewhat open, allowing the students to evaluate how they
want to approach this task.

At the beginning of a course the students are provided a competency grid. This provides the students
with a list of skills they are going to learn throughout this lesson. The skills are separated in “minimal
level” “regular level” and “expert level”. This provides the students with a guide to reflect on their
own skills and what they still need to learn. The next steps are then laid out in the stamp cards to
follow along. To finish a section students can choose to complete a “Proof of success”. This being a
short quiz, using different types of Tasks to showcase a well-rounded understanding of the Lesson.

Learners’ Agency



The progression of the material is generally designed linerally. Sections logically built on one another
and sometimes to understand something its necessary to understand what was taught in the previous
section. That being said. This progression isn’t forced on the student. They can simply choose which
task to do. If they didn’t understand something they can simply go back and repeat a lesson. If they
feel like they don’t need the explanation provided on the next sheet they can just skip it and come
back later if they have trouble later.

Yes i does. As described before students have a lot of autonomy around their own progression. They
choose their own tempo, pick the tasks they need and are provided an overview to self-assess what
they still need to learn. 

One type of material that is being used intermittently is a short explanational movieo. The students
are then tasked to think about questions they would ask an expert. This empowers the students to
reflect on their own understanding and think about what other aspects of the skill they havent yet

The material generally tries to be accesible for a diverse group of students. The explanations are
usually in several formats. Meaning, tere would be text, an illustrations and a video to explain a
concept. This should provide a good understanding to a big amount of students.
Not all materials will be accesible to all students though. Depending on individual needs the material
would need to be adapted by a teacher.
All materials are designed in a way, that adaptation in this sense is possible. A teacher needs to have
a paid license, either individually or through their school. 

% rate as inclusive



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