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Historical and theoretical implications of OERs

Deimann, M. (2014). Open Education als partizipative Medienkultur? Eine bildungstheoretische Rahmung. Partizipative Medienkulturen, Medienbildung und Gesellschaft 25, 185-205.


First, the development of Open Education is presented, in which OER is subsequently classified. An outlook on the future of Open Education and OER is also given.

Deimann offers a more in-depth overview of OER by defining them and tying them back to their historical antecedents in order to problematize the discontinuity in today's talk about OER

Using MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) as an example, he shows that ideals of openness and participation are no longer prevalent or neglected here.

Against the background of these narrownesses and abridgements, Deimann points to the necessity of reflecting on the opening movements in terms of educational theory.

The text is thus particularly suited to grasp the historical and theoretical implications that are neglected in thinking about Open Education and OER.

Collected by

Bielefeld University, DE

Bielefeld University, DE

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