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Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools, SPSM (2022). Digitalt lärande för att nå målen Digtial learning to reach the goals
This report is put together by SPSM and was first published in 2008. It has thereafter been revised several times, due to development and changes in the school system. In 2017 a national strategy for digitalization in schools was implemented, which also made digitalisation a task for SPSM to support, besides what was already part of SPSMs responisbilites, which is issued by the government. The purpose with the publication is to support schools to offer high quality digital teaching for students with disabilities. It sheds light on the history and future of digital education and what is needed in preschools, compulsory school and school forms for adults in order for digital teaching and learning to work as best as possible. This is put in relation to digital tools as compensatory, for communication and what to think about in the planning of and teaching with digital tools. In addition, writing, reading and mathematics are focused. These subjects are the ones that work as a gatekeeper for getting into the public gymnasium since the lowest proofed grade is needed. For students with disabilities this can be challenging.
SPSM has a special responsibility to support schools' work and development with inclusive education. Therefore, the law and governing of these aspects is talked about in the publication as well as school development and opportunities and risks with digital education. The responsibility for professionals in school is also informed about how they can divide work and what is needed from each of them in order for digital teaching and tools to work well. The professionals mentioned are: Principals and the organization, teachers, special education teachers, school librarians, IT- pedagogues, professionals responsible for technology at the school.
Inclusion and Digitalisation Digitalisation and equal education is talked about as a right for every student, as well as the right to reach standards. The digital realm is not only teaching materials but also personal aids for learning and communication and it is core that this work so that the student can be included in learning.
Digitalisation and digital tools is here talked about to raising equity and access in education, at the same time as these possibly being threatened if not used in a balanced, proper and knowledgeable way.
Feasibility for this project
This is an important publication since it in a thorough way depicts the governing, foundations and promises of digital teaching and learning for students with disabilities in swedish schools.
?rebro University, SE