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Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials.
We have created the FRoLLM to support your reflections on learning materials.
Teaching and learning materials are an important core element of your everyday teaching and learning experiences. However, we rarely reflect on the materials we actually work with on a deeper level. The FRoLLM helps you think more deeply about the teaching and learning material you use on a daily basis. It was designed to support the inclusion-sensitivity of educational materials, taking into consideration various learners’ needs.
The FRoLLM has six areas of reflection. Each area comes with questions guiding your reflection. There are several examples for each guiding questions for clarification. Start with the area that speaks to you the most. When reflecting on your materials, there is no right or wrong! Your reflections, thoughts and perspectives are what matters.
Author(s) of a material should explain its philosophy and conceptions. This implies comments on design choices and theoretical backgrounds. Target groups should be made explicit as well as needs the material addresses. Moreover, a material’s limitations should be made transparent. Also, the material should clarify how it relates to the national school curriculum.
Reliable sources should be provided in order prevent mis- and disinformation. Whenever a material claims to be ”inclusive”, the authors should clarify their understanding of inclusion thoroughly.
Learning and teaching philosophy/design applied in the material is explained. For example:
It is suggested how to use the material. For example:
The material contains specific information directed to the teacher and students on its content, how it can be used and the key ideas in how it is set up. This includes a definition of inclusion, if inclusion-sensitivity is claimed. The intentions and limitations regarding inclusion and different target groups are mentioned.
The material is ordered in a transparent and coherent way. The general idea of learning and teaching, content and core concepts are presented early. A navigation or mapping function supports the understanding of the material's structure. Subject areas are displayed and ordered in logical sub-sub areas. When entering these, there is first information on the topic followed by clarifying videos or other resources. It is always possible to navigate back and to understand where in the material one is at the moment.
The material contains signals for distinguishing content with different levels of importance and novelty. For example:
The content is validated by references and refers to the latest scientific knowledge. References are both old and up-to-date.
The material encourages learners not to work on a task if it is categorised as unsuitable for their own learning path/needs. This gives learners control over their own learning path.
Based on a broad understanding of environment, the material should be adaptable for various kinds of learning scenarios, might they take place in groups or individually. A material should be adaptable to different physical surroundings (at home/ in the classroom/library/hospital), but also digital environments (e.g. during distance learning scenarios). Hence, the material should not have any particular demands, which may limit the usage to a specific location or setting. This implies the inclusion-sensitivity of digital materials in terms of accessibility and openness.
The material can be used by one student but also provides impulses so that two or more learners can work on the same task together. This makes it necessary to provide, for example, additional selected stimuli to the material in order to encourage discussion with the partner(s). For example:
The material can be used in the classroom as well as at home, in the library or in hospital etc. Also, it is usable in different digital learning scenarios. There are different requirements for this.
This requires that tasks are based on easily accessible components.
For example:
The material is available on the PC or tablet as well as in a mobile phone version. This implies that the material requires formatting that makes images, text modules and interactive elements easy to display on different technical devices. The material is available in different formats and published under an open license, allowing for people to freely use, adapt, remix and share it.
The material should be sensitive to various learners’ needs (different learning levels, interests, backgrounds, potentials and limitations). Hence, it should offer various ways of how learners can learn about the same subject matter on different levels of complexity. The material should rely on different kinds of media and should be adaptable to certain needs of the individual (accessibility, cultural representation). The material should help the learner to actively shape their learning paths themselves, enabled by providing choices between different options on how to work/proceed with the learning material.
According to the learner’s needs, the material allows students to work on different learning levels. For example,
Even though all students work on the same question, the level of complexity on how to approach the question can be .
For example
The material offers scaffolding to problem-solving. For example:
When a task requires writing an essay, graded scaffolding can be offered, for example
Key concepts presented in one form of representation (e.g., a text or a math equation) are supplemented with an alternative form of representation.
For example:
Alternatives for visual or auditory information are available.
For example:
The material can be so it is possible to make adaptations and changes.
For example:
In addition, adaptations to the learners, their learning environment and local, temporal and political contexts are also feasible.
The material should actively support the learner’s knowledge about different learning strategies. The learner should be encouraged by the material to try out different learning strategies and to integrate them into their learning process. Also, the learner should generally be supported on how to reflect on their learning process as a whole, regarding their progress, main strengths as well as weaknesses.
The material suggests different ways to approach the assignments.
For example:
The assignments/tasks are not stereotypical, i.e. it is possible to apply different cognitive operations to address the task.
For example:
The assignments (sometimes) require students to explicitly describe and/or evaluate their thinking process.
For example:
Students are encouraged to work deliberately with mistakes, either their own or those of their classmates.
Within a material, learners should be considered agents of their own learning path. The material should enable the learners to express their individuality within the learning process. This is about a learner’s needs, but also a learner’s wishes, creativity and boundaries. This approach is based on inclusion as an ethical standard related to human rights.
The material encourages learners to reflect on their own learning, their strengths and capabilities.
For example:
For example:
For example:
The material and its authors are committed to the idea of open and participatory further development of materials, e.g. by enabling automatic feedback and providing a space for comments, ratings and reviews.
The material and its authors are committed to the idea of open and participatory further development of materials, e.g. by enabling automatic feedback and providing a space for comments, ratings and reviews.
The material reflects the diversity of learners in terms of their identities as well as social, family, cultural, religious and community backgrounds. This is reflected in images and texts that avoid stereotypical or even discriminatory content. Learners, no matter their background, feel seen and respected.
The material reflects the diversity of environments and lifeworlds (or it can be adapted easily).
The material should imply elements of qualitive as well as quantitative feedback. It should enable self-assessment formats as well as peer-feedback. Feedback can be designed as immediate learning feedback or as a more broad reflection on the learners’ progress. The provided feedback elements should support the learners in reflecting on their learning process in a valuing and affirmative way. Additionally, feedback options may appoint to next steps in a learning journey.
The material can contain examples or models that illustrate the expected outcomes or standards of performance for a given task or assignment.
For example:
The material includes the correct solutions to the learning problems if they are convergent in nature or a suggestion of possible solutions if they are divergent in nature.
The material comprises assessment tests for students to check for themselves whether they mastered the subject matter.
The material includes checklists or rubrics that guide students to evaluate their own work or the work of others and provide criteria for improvement.
For example,
The FRoLLM sounds interesting to you? You can jump right in and use it freely and intuitively. Just apply the questions to materials that you are using.
If you need a little more introduction, try our teaching module! This module is designed for educators, students, and anyone with a curiosity about inclusive education and the evaluation of learning materials. In this concise module, you'll explore the Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials (FRoLLM) and learn how to:
Whether you're looking to enhance your teaching practice or simply want to understand more about inclusive education, this module offers valuable insights in a straightforward format. Join us to discover how to make educational materials more accessible and effective for all learners.
Just like Living Learning Materials, our Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials (FRoLLM) is living as well! We have created it with the help of participants sharing their feedback, insights and criticism. This process is ongoing. Let us know what you think about the FRoLLM in the chat. How did you like working with the FRoLLM? What appeared useful/helpful? What was difficult for you (to work on, to understand…) Tell us everything that comes to mind. As the FRoLLM is a living document, it will be updated periodically according to user feedback.
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FRoLLM: Cadre de réflexion sur les matériels pédagogiques vivants
FRoLLM : Cadre de réflexion sur les matériels pédagogiques vivants
Matériel pédagogique et aides pédagogiques - p. manuels, feuilles de travail, applications d'apprentissage, vidéos éducatives, etc. - est une partie importante de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage quotidiens. Le Cadre de réflexion sur les matériels d’apprentissage vivants vous aide à réfléchir plus profondément aux matériels d’enseignement et d’apprentissage que vous utilisez quotidiennement. Il a été conçu dans le cadre du projet DigiLLM pour soutenir la sensibilité de l'inclusion dans l'utilisation du matériel d'apprentissage, en tenant compte des besoins des différents étudiants. Six « domaines » peuvent guider la réflexion sur les matériels d'apprentissage et leur possibilité d'être inclusifs.
FRoLLM: Rámec pro reflexi živých učebních materiálů
Vymezení: Materiál by měl aktivně podporovat znalosti žáka o různých strategiích učení. Žák by měl být povzbuzován k tomu, aby si vyzkoušel různé strategie učení a začlenil je do procesu učení. Žák by měl být také podporován v tom, jak reflektovat svůj proces učení jako celek, pokud jde o jeho pokrok, hlavní silné i slabé stránky.
FRoLLM: Ram för reflektion av levande läromedel
Undervisningsmaterial och läromedel - t.ex. läroböcker, arbetsblad, appar för lärande, utbildningsvideor osv. - är en viktig del av den dagliga undervisningen och lärandet. The Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials hjälper dig att tänka djupare kring det material för undervisning och lärande som du använder dagligen. Det utformades inom DigiLLM-projektet för att stödja inkluderingskänsligheten i användandet av läromedel, med hänsyn till olika elevers behov. Sex ”områden” kan vägleda reflektioner om läromedel och deras möjlighet att verka inkluderande.
FRoLLM – Framework for the Reflection of Living Learning Materials.
Teaching and learning materials – e.g. textbooks, worksheets, learning apps, educational videos etc. – are an important core element of your everyday teaching and learning experiences. However, we rarely discuss the materials critically. The Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials helps you think more deeply about the teaching and learning material you use on a daily basis. It was designed within the digiLLM project to support the inclusion-sensitivity of educational materials, taking into consideration various learners’ needs.
There are six “areas” guiding your reflections.
FRoLLM – Framework zur Reflektion von Living Learning Materials.
Lehr- und Lernmaterialien – z. B. Lehrbücher, Arbeitsblätter, Lern-Apps, Lernvideos usw. – sind ein wichtiges Kernelement alltäglicher Lehr- und Lernerfahrungen. Allerdings setzen wir uns nur selten kritisch mit den Materialien auseinander. Das Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials (FRoLLM) hilft Ihnen, tiefergehend über das Lehr- und Lernmaterial nachzudenken, das Sie täglich verwenden. Es wurde im Rahmen des digiLLM-Projekts entwickelt, um die Inklusionssensibilität von Bildungsmaterialien zu fördern und dabei die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse der Lernenden in den Fokus zu rücken.