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##Age 12 ##Age 13 ##English #Age 12 #Age 13 #Angličtina #angličtina #English #English #english #English File #Listening Skills #speaking
The English File fourth edition Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all levels talking. Online Practice gives students the opportunity to practise and develop their language and skills or catch up on a class they have missed. NEW and updated texts, topics, and tasks that make students want to speak in English. Students build confidence to communicate with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and skills in every File. Each Student's Book comes with access to new Online Practice that is directly linked to each Student's Book. English File now integrates NEW video listening activities in to each even numbered File. These short documentaries and dramas make class time more dynamic and exciting. NEW interactive videos linked to Practical English sections allow students to record themselves and play the recording back for out-of-class speaking practice. NEW Sound Bank Videos videos bring English File's unique Sound Bank to life.
The English File fourth edition Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all levels talking.
Online Practice gives students the opportunity to practise and develop their language and skills or catch up on a class they have missed.
Oxford University Press
Ostrava University
In diesem Material können Kinder in einer Miniwerkstatt weiteres Wissen rund um das Thema Wasser erwerben…
Siemens Stiftung
##3. Klasse ##Age 8 ##Age 9 ##geography ##German ##Grundschule ##Naturalscience ##Pflanzen ##Sachunterricht ##Tiere ##tropischer Regenwald ##tropischer Regenwald ##Wasserkreislauf
Das Interaktive Tafelbild zum tropischen Regenwald dient der Erarbeitung des Themenkomplexes im Sachunterricht…
##Age 15 ##Age 16 ##Age 17 ##Age 18 ##Czech ##Občanská výchova ##Politics ##Socialstudies #civics #economics #law #philosophy #psychology #socialstudies #sociology #základy společenských věd #zsv
Edice Odmaturuj! je primárně určena na přípravu k maturitní zkoušce, a to především k maturitní zkoušce…
Nová škola
##Age 12 ##Age 13 ##Czech #Age 12 #Age 13 #Český jazyk #Český jazyk #Českýjazyk #Čítanka #Čítanka #čítanka #Czech language #czech language #czech language #Reading #reading #reading
Připravili jsme pro vás novou řadu čítanek pro 6. až 9. ročník, které byly sestaveny pro potřeby výuky…
Siemens Stiftung
#German #Interaktives Tafelbild (GS): Der tropische Regenwald #Sachunterricht #variuos ages
Die Winter Unit ist für Sprachenanfänger*innen in der Grundschule oder in der 5. Klasse (Sek1) ausgerichtet.…
#German #Materialpaket Planeten #science #The Solar System #variuos ages
Es handelt sich um ein Materialpaket zum Thema "Planeten". Das Paket enthält eine Minikartei, Legekarten,…
Interaktive Übung zu Z-Lauten in verschiedenen Wörtern