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ELIXIER is a search engine for free learning materials. As an interface between German educational servers, it provides a common resource pool for teaching in schools and vocational schools as well as elementary education.


ELIXIER is a search engine for free learning materials. As an interface between German educational servers, it provides a common resource pool for teaching in schools and vocational schools as well as elementary education. The offer includes educational media that have been editorially selected and checked for quality, although criteria for this very selection are not made explicit. In its efforts to promote the use of Open Educational Resources, ELIXIER sees itself as a "cooperation platform" for the various education servers in Germany. The establishment of a special area for OER is planned in order to ensure the legally compliant use and remixability of materials. Information on the ELIXIER search engine, its use and content is available in German sign language and in plain language. Accessibility is a key issue and is reflected in the design of the platform.

Thematic scope

all school subjects

Target groups

Teachers (all types of schools)

Collected by

Leibniz-Institut f?r Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation (DIPF)

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