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Digitalization Strategies 2023

Skolverket [Swedish National Agency for Education]. (2023). Förslag på en nationell digitaliseringsstrategi för skolväsendet 2023- 2027.


This text is the Skolverkets suggestion for national digitalisation strategy for the Swedish schools the years 2023-2027. It has been written by request from the government and applies to all school forms in the system. In the strategy preceding this, digital competence, equal access and use and research and evaluation of opportunities (not challenges) of digitalisation. The strategy for the years to come instead targets students’ digital competence and taking advantage of the possibilities of digital tools in teaching and learning. To provide this, the professionals and schools digital competence, school development and a national infrastructure inclusive the use of standards, recommendations and use of data needs to be developed. Research on the digitalisation is also put in the fore in the strategy.


To develop digital competence for students is framed as a right and needed to be part of the democratic society. Besides the ability to actually use and navigate digital tools and medium, the ability to source criticism, participating in digital arenas in safe, responsible and respectful ways and to solve problems is also needed. To take advantage of the opportunities of digitalisation is considered to secure equity, quality, and goal fulfilment. This is highly connected to societies need for digitally able and efficient citizens. Digital competence is assumed to lead to participation in society, an active work life, higher ability to face societal changes and better opportunities to get employed. Work life is a changing and flexibility and to develop trough out the career is depicted as valuable. In sum, if and how digital recourses are well used will impact the learning environment, level om inclusion, and work climate in the classroom but also the future life of individuals and society.


Inclusion and Digitalisation: The text is about the goals and reasons to digitise schools and what the next step should be for the Swedish schools to be modern and well-functioning. Inclusion is only mentioned twice: in terms of digital tools affecting the learning environment and that a sustainable society is about inclusive and equitable education of high quality and with a lifelong learning for all.


Feasibility for this project: It is good to have the plan for Sweden and how it is suggested in mind in the project ahead. Something to keep observing.

Collected by

?rebro University, SE


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