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Digital Didactics

Willermark, S. (2018). Digital Didaktisk Design- Att utveckla undervisning i och för en digitaliserad skola


Summary From the thesis itself “In this thesis, teachers’ efforts to develop their teaching practice is explored over a quite long period of time. Teachers’ development of teaching practice should be understood as evolutionary rather than revolutionary, as it took time to create digital didactic designs that were perceived as meaningful in the new context of the Nordic virtual classroom. The school development project resulted in teachers’ development of their technological, pedagogical and content competence. However, it required comprehensive efforts, characterized by difficulties and frustration. The results of this thesis as well as previous research show that the integration of digital technology is a complex process (Borum & Christiansen, 2006; Ciborra, 2000; Hillman, 2011; Pierce & Stacey, 2010; Sproull & Kiesler, 1986). To understand more about the factors that enabled teachers’ development over time, an integrated framework of TPACK in situ and activity theory was used. Differences and boundaries in the collaborating teachers’ respective activity systems came to play a decisive role in the project, causing frustration and conflicts but also giving rise to negotiations, discussion and reflection. The fact that boundaries can stimulate learning is well known, thus, the interesting question is how they came to play a role in teachers’ development of their teaching practice. For example, professional development initiatives must be carefully crafted, with resources to balance the challenges associated with boundaries in order to be successful. Such resources can involve time to reflect and experimenting but can also involve other types of resources such as support or a discussion partner. Under such premises boundaries can operate to support expansive learning.”


Inclusion and Digitalisation: The thesis does not mention inclusion in the form we use in our project at hand. However, there are implicit notions of inclusion related to the theoretical framework used (TPaCK). Pedagogical content knowledge involves designing teaching for students learning, but not with much focus on all students. “Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) means the ability to weave together pedagogical knowledge and subject knowledge. It includes knowledge of how an instruction can be adapted to specific subject content and how to design the instruction to support student learning.” Also, teachers in the project collaborated across national borders and were forced to discover and work with values different than their own. “Cultural boundaries, for example refer to the respective history, rules and norms of the different countries including differences in curricula and teaching philosophies, which constituted a challenge in the collaboration. At the same time, the teachers describe how their own situation became clearer in relation to "the others". Through the cross-border collaboration, they were constantly forced to negotiate and thus also became aware of their own approach and were challenged in their beliefs about teaching and learning.” The word inclusion is never explicitly used in a sense of making everyone welcome and valued. Feasibility for this project: When setting criteria for what makes OER inclusive, we might want to consider what kind of knowledge teachers need to be able to use them. In such a consideration the TPaCK-model (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) might be useful for a few guidelines. Especially because it recognises that knowledge about these areas interact for a fruitful work with digital educational tools. Knowledge in only one are does not suffice for knowing how to teach (inclusively) with digital OER.

Collected by

University of Ostrava, CZ


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