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Discover how children develop their mathematical thinking and learning skills. Explore our engaging…

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Instructions are given at the beginning of the game. Also, if children need some help during the game,…

40% rate as inclusive
20% rate as OER

Review by Bielefeld_Inclusion_dimensions




Instructions are given at the beginning of the game. Also, if children need some help during the game, they can listen to instructions again by clicking on the pin. Also, when children select a wrong option in the game, the system repeats instructions again. The instructions are explained very clearly and step by step.

There is no comment about inclusion in the material. The system requires strict instructions to be followed. If learners make too many mistakes, the system says that learners need someone's help to complete the material. It is not an inclusive material for children who do not know how to count. And, because of the reaseons wich are stated above, the material is not inclusive for both children with hearing diffuclty and counting difficulty like dyskakulia.

Yes, the material is designed to attract children's attention and use their previous knowledge to learn addition and subtraction. It structured very logically; and it's comprehensible if we note that children know how to count. So, teachers can use that logic and play to teach addition easier to their students. In addition to digital game, teachers can also design role-playing games with the children in the classroom. Children can imitate toy shop owner and customers. The concept can also be changed.

There are no sources cited. Since the subject is early mathematics, we can reach the proof with a simple addition or counting. However, it would have been better for the children if the answers’ accuracy had been proven by counting the toys one by one.

The material makes no reference to whether 5-year-olds are ready for this content. But, for example, since children learn addition and subtraction in the first grade curriculum in Turkey, it will be beneficial for teachers to use this material in kindergarten. Thus, children will be more ready to their lesson in the firdt grade.

Learners' needs



No, my selected material does not contain different tasks for the same subject. Customers who come to the store have a certain number of toys. Children must add to existing toys so that customers can receive exactly the number of toys they want. However, as the numbers get higher, calculating may become more difficult for children. So, we have the same task with different difficulty degrees.

Yes. There is no written material that could be a problem for dyslexia. Children with dyskakulia may have difficulty, but the system guides children when they make mistakes. Also, they can click on pin if they need help. It is effective in counting and seeing the difference between quantities. It prepares children to addition and subtraction.

There are no different kinds of the selected material based on different learners’ needs. But there are different levels of this game (Toy Shop). This material is level 7. If learners need previous knowledge like counting, they can study with previous levels. Link for all levels: 

Yes, we can adapt the material by adding more room for error. Children in Kindergarten may have many difficulties getting used to this new material. They may need some more time to consolidate the counting process they have learned and use it in activities such as addition and subtraction. However, the material allows 1 error per question and then shows the correct answer. This is a huge obstacle to the self-improvement of children, especially those who have problems with counting. Improvements can be made in this regard.

Learners’ environment(s)



Yes, children can use the material individually. They can also use it in pairs or small groups by making a joint decision. After they decided the answer, one of them can give the correct answer on the digital device. Since one person can control the device, if they want, they can also take turns playing.

Children can use the material anywhere as long as they have a phone, tablet or computer. However, since the game instructions are given aloud, it is very difficult to use in very noisy environments. And, because there are no lines or written instructions in the material, children with hearing disabilities cannot play this game. 

If there is a link to the game, children can easily play it on their phone, tablet or computer. However, it is very difficult to find the material and its other levels on the internet by just searching its name. It is also difficult to find material if children or the responsible person are not a member of the site which the material belongs to. Membership to the site is free, the only required is an email.

Learning Feedback for Learners



Yes, there are vocal feedbacks for each decisions. If children choose wrong options, the system warn thems vocally. And, if they choose the true answer, the system confirms vocally. There is also a value graph that increases as the child give true answers to questions. The game not continuing unless the correct answer is pressed can also be considered as a feedback.

Yes, the graph’s value increases only when children complete the task on their own, not when they receive help with clicking on the pin. But if children make mistakes, this graph doesn’t decrease. If the child makes too many mistakes, the system says “It looks like you need help. Do you want to start over?" and ends the game. Also, vocal feedback just tells kids they are undercounting or overestimating.

Learners’ Reflections on Learning



It may refer to scaffolding. Because, it makes children to use their previous knowledge to expand their horizons and learn a new subject. Children who already know how to count will try to find out how many more toys need to be added to reach the desired number. And they will actually be adding by adding new toys to reach the desired number. Thus, they start to understand the logic of addition and subtraction by using their prior knowledge on counting.

The game doesn’t immediately give the correct answer when children make a mistake. It directs children to think with instructions such as: “Ops, that's too much” and “Ops, that's too few”. Children can think about where they went wrong and correct their option. They can track the learning progress by following verbal feedback and increase on the value chart. However, if children make a lot of mistakes, it is possible that they will get bored and give up. Because the same instructions are repeated over and over again

Learners’ Agency



If children wish, they can add more or less toys than the game has expected from them. Because of the system, they must try again as the result will be wrong. However, the game does not tolerate a second mistake in the same task and starts to guide the children. If children wish, they can choose a different toy than the decided by customers, but then the game intervenes again and guides children to choose correct toy.

Yes, but to a limited extent. When children make a certain number of mistakes, the game takes the control. And, the system can even end the game before the desired success is achieved. Children may make mistakes because they are confused or just want to experiment and see what happens. Sharp intervention in their learning process is not nice at all.

There is usually only one correct answer in mathematical subjects, so it is difficult to criticize the material based on critical thinking. Still, children should have been given more opportunities to make mistakes. Additionally, the material does not prove to children why the answers are correct. The material would have had a stronger impact if it had counted the toys one by one at the end of the decision.

I examined the material in terms of the type of toys that male and female customers want. They randomly assigned toys to customers, rather than the prejudices based on genders. There were times when female customers asked for balls and ships, and male customers also asked for plush pandas and horses. However, the material is not very inclusive for children who have difficulty counting and hearing. While children who have difficulty in hearing cannot use the material at all, children who have difficulty in counting can use the material more freely if the opportunity to make mistakes is increased.

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